Sonne, Balance, Santosha
Das Hanuman Yoga Studio wurde 2019 von Kim Giaquinto und Anna Kny gegründet. Der lichtdurchflutete und freundliche Raum an der Greifengasse 7, in unmittelbarer Rheinnähe bei der Mittleren Brücke, war der perfekte Ort, an dem Kim und Anna die Vision ihres Yogastudios umsetzen konnten.
Hanuman Yoga wurde zu einem Ort der Gemeinschaft, an dem sich unterschiedlichste Menschen treffen und gemeinsam Yoga praktizieren. Mitten in der Stadt werden hier in entspannter, einladender und freundschaftlicher Atmosphäre Yoga, Yoga&HIIT, Yin Yoga, Personal Trainings, Workshops und Yoga-Ausbildungen angeboten. Jeder ist herzlich willkommen.
All teachers at Hanuman have passed a Yoga Alliance certified Yoga Teacher Training. Yoga Alliance is internationally the most known and biggest yoga organization.
Hanuman Yoga
Greifengasse 7
CH-4058 Basel
Kim Tel.: +41 76 421 70 13
Anna Tel.: +41 79 586 27 82
You can come without registration or prior experience to the desired class.
Alle Lektionen auf dem Stundenplan sind offen für alle Levels und können somit auch von Anfänger und Anfängerinnen besucht werden. Tendenziell sind die Flow Stunden etwas schneller und daher anspruchsvoller als die Lektionen, welche mit „Yoga“ gekennzeichnet sind. Die Yogalektion am Mittwochmittag „Slow Vinyasa“ um 12.15 Uhr ist etwas langsamer und eine gute Option für den Einstieg.
Find the schedule here Timetable.
Wir bieten ca. alle zwei Monate einen Anfänger*innenworkshop an, in welchem wir die Yoga Grundlagen etwas genauer anschauen. Dieser Workshop kann auch besucht werden, nachdem du bereits an einigen Lektionen teilgenommen hast, ist jedoch keine Voraussetzung zum Besuchen der Lektionen bei uns im Hanuman Yoga.
You will find it here Workshops.
Falls du lieber bei dir zu Hause mit Yoga starten möchtest, dann findest du auf unserer Seite „Videos“ zwei Anfänger*innen-Videos, welche von unserer Yogalehrerin Anne angeleitet werden. Die Videos werden dir kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt.
You will find it here Videos.
Du kannst die Lektion einzeln in Bar oder per Twint bezahlen und brauchst keine Mitgliedschaft oder Abo zu erwerben. Bei Interesse stehen dir aber auch diverse Abo’s zur Verfügung.
You will find it here Prices.
Hanuman Yoga offers a large variety of high-quality and grippy Jade Yoga mats as well as more props such as blocks, blankets, etc. You only need to bring comfortable yoga clothes. You can change in our studio.
So that we can show you everything without any rush make sure you arrive at least 10 minutes before the class begins.
We are looking forward to welcoming you at the Studio!
Sonne, Balance, Santosha
Blumenwiese, Early Bird, Dancer Pose
Nachhaltigkeit, Espresso, Bakasana
Menschen, Kinderschokolade, Compass Pose
Early Bird, Decaf Americano, Sonnengrüsse
Sonne, Apérole, Rockstar
Sonne, Bewusstsein, Santosha
Spaghetti, Vince, Plank
Alma, Sternenhimmel, Tittibhasana
Sonne, Lebensfreude, Pincha Mayurasana
Morgensonne, Meer, Mantra
Meer, Verbindung, Malasana
Latte Freddo, Berge, Armbalancen
Laawrena, Linsedürüm, Lizzard
Sommerregen, Banana Cake, Heraufschauender Hund
Abendrot, Fondue, Lizard
Bücher, Lebensquellen, Prana
Tanzen, Aperol Spritz, Krieger llI
Rhybadhüsli, Aperol Spritz, Sonnengrüsse
kraftvoll, ruhig, Halbmond
Bergluft, heissi Marroni, Sirsasana
Kim und Anna sind zwei Yogaalliance zertifizierte Yoga-Lehrerinnen (E-RYT 200 + E-RYT 500 + YACEP) aus Basel. Ihre 200-Stunden und 300-Stunden-Yogalehrer Ausbildung haben sie bei Regula Guldimann und Martin Becker abgeschlossen. Darüber hinaus haben Kim und Anna in den letzten Jahren viele weitere Yogalehrerausbildungen (Yin Yoga, Meditation, Mandala Flow, Preventing Injuries, +50 Yoga, Yoga bei Depression, Kinderyoga, Pre- & Postnatal Yoga, TCM, Yoga & das Nervensystem, etc.) und unzählige Workshops mit international bekannten Yoga-Lehrern aus der ganzen Welt absolviert (Anna Trökes, Jason Crandel, With Yin Yoga, Kathryn Budig, Tiffany Cruikshank, Seane Corn, Bryan Kest, David Swenson und vielen mehr).
Kim und Anna unterrichteten einigen Jahre in diversen Yogastudios in Basel sowie bei den UPK und der Krebsliga Beider Basel Gruppen- und Einzelkurse.
In 2019 together they opened their own studio HANUMAN YOGA.
Their teachings are known for the through, creative and thoughtful structure, the precise and healthy alignment of the postures and their warmth and lightness. It‘s crucial for them to support their students in an encouraging way, to motivate them and to help them to make progress without overwhelming them. With their open, empathic and winning nature yoga practitioners feel quickly comfortable and let themselves be carried away with the passion for yoga and life. +41 76 421 70 13 +41 79 586 27 82
Anna is born and raised in Basel. Already as a child movement and exercise was a crucial part of her life (Circus, acrobatics, etc.). Since 2008 she has been practicing passionately yoga. The first classes she took were in an Iyengar Yoga studio in Basel and she regularly visited courses and workshops in cities like Paris, Berlin, San Francisco, Buenos Aires and Santiago de Chile. 2012 she tried out different yoga styles and found her passion for Vinyasa Yoga. To connect movement and breath in creative fluent transitions was for her the perfect further development after having learnt the basic alignments of the postures in Iyengar Yoga.
In addition to her asana practice Anna dived deeper into Yoga philosophy and found access to pranayama and meditation. In 2015 she completed her 200-hours Vinyasa Yoga teacher training and later the 300-hours Vinyasa Teacher training together with Kim in Basel and since then has taught regularly.
Anna has a PhD in psychology and is certified psychotherapist. 2013-2019 she worked as a psychotherapist at the private clinic department of the university hospital of psychiatry (UPK) in Basel. Already there she started combining her psychotherapeutic work with yoga.
Since 2019 she has been working in her own practice at Praxis am Münsterplatz . Additionally she shares together with Kim the management of the Postgradualen Studiengänge in Psychotherapie and instructs future yoga teachers.
Kim discovered her passion for movement for the first time at Circus Regenbogen. Later she tried out various sports, however with the exception of yoga was never really enthusiastic for a long time in any of them. After her studies in economics her first job was as a scientific employee when at the age of 25 she found out she has cancer. This led to drastic changes in her lifestyle. Kim left her hectic and success-oriented life behind and travelled through southeast Asia and India for 12 months. There she collected experience in yoga, pranayama and meditation for the first time and felt mentally and physically balanced again, strong and flexible. Additionally she started trusting her body again after her illness and since then yoga- and meditation are a consistent part of her life. Yoga philosophy forms the foundation of her personality development.
Kim loves people and their diversity and thrives in working with them.
Her basic education (200-hours vinyasa yoga teacher training) as well as the advanced training (300-hours vinyasa yoga teacher training) she completed in Basel. For further education or training she regularly travels abroad. To dedicate herself intensively to her own yoga practice and to develop as a yoga teacher she prefers spending time in India and Bali.
Apart from her work as a Yoga teacher, trainer of future yoga teachers and owner of Hanuman Yoga she shares a job with Anna as the manager of Postgradualen Studiengänge in Psychotherapie.
Yoga means union. Hanuman Yoga is a place where people of any gender, age, background or experience come together and can practice yoga. The fast-paced society leads us to look for ways to slow down our lives, to ground ourselves, to recharge energy and to find to ourselves again. This is what Hanuman Yoga wants to offer. Additionally Hanuman Yoga offers the possibility of meeting people and build a community. The tea after a yoga class as well as various events provide such opportunity. Everybody is welcome, nobody has to.
In our yoga classes at Hanuman Yoga we adapt the traditional yoga practice to our modern lifestyle and incorporate the yoga philosophy in an accessible and concrete way into a physical practice. This gives the students the opportunity to experience going beyond a „physical workout“. With us you can practice in a safe environment and adjust your practice to your current state and needs. All the teachers at Hanuman Yoga regularly continue their education and are eager to share their years of knowledge and practice with you.
Wir möchten uns dafür einsetzten, dass Yoga für jeden zugänglich wird und die finanzielle Situation keine Hürde darstellen soll. Die mit „Yoga auf Spendenbasis“ gekennzeichneten Yogastunden auf dem Stundenplan sind Yogalektionen ohne fixen Preis. Das heisst, du entscheidest, wie viel du für die Stunde bezahlst. Jeder darf die Lektion besuchen, auch diejenigen mit einem Montasabo.
At Hanuman Yoga the human being with all its diversity and individuality is the center.
Hanuman is a popular deity shaped as a monkey also known as the „Monkey God“. In yoga the splits was named after Hanuman (Hanumanasana). This goes back to the story where Hanuman, driven by his endless devotion, took the great leap from India to Sri Lanka in order to be free from the daemons trapped Sita, the wife of his good friend Rama.
Unlike other Gods of the Indian Mythology Hanuman doesn’t know he has Sidhis (superpowers). For example, he can fly, make himself taller or smaller and can move mountains. As a result of exposing himself to difficult or impossible situations without thinking too much about by overcoming them, he continuously finds out he has immense power and that he is capable of big things. With a small smile on our lips this reminded us of us humans. Accordingly Hanuman stands for the potential we all have within us.